Athletic Greens Discount Code 2025

Get the exclusive Athletic Greens promo code now and save a lot of money.

Unfortunately, there is no promo code at the moment, but you save a large sum on a year or two-year subscription!



How to redeem the Athletic Greens promo code

There is no promo code to enter, just an exclusive link to take advantage of the great promo code offer. The Athletic Greens Promo Code can therefore be activated simply via the banner.



60 day money back guarantee

Athletic Greens has an incredibly good money-back guarantee. We’d like to show you how it works and why we think it’s extremely great. If you are not satisfied with Athletic Greens within 60 days, you can share your opinion with Athletic Greens and get 100% of your money back. You don’t have to pay for the products you have used. That says a lot about the company. Otherwise they would not offer such a money back guarantee.

Especially with such a product, the money back guarantee is extremely important, because if the taste or effect is not clear enough – you have enough time not to send the products back.

You can contact customer service within 1 minute via the live chat function.


What experiences has the Influencer discount code editorial team had with Athletic Greens?

Of course, we also test the products that we present to you on this page. You are welcome to read our Athletic Greens experience report here. There we have bundled a huge amount of knowledge and after this experience report, you will be sure whether the Athletic Greens subscription suits you or not.


Can the AG1 subscription be cancelled easily?

Of course, there may be times when you want to cancel your subscription or just pause it. You can do all this in your dashboard. There you have the perfect overview of your subscription and can therefore be completely flexible.

Of course, we also took a look at the dashboard and found a huge number of setting options there. You can also select your preferred delivery date, for example, if you see that your AG1s will last another week, you can simply postpone the delivery date.


green drink


What is included?

When you take out an AG1 subscription for the first time, you will receive a pack with your new AG1 every month. This will then last for a further 30 days. As a small welcome gift, you will receive a steel tin that looks great and a shaker with the first delivery. This is perfect for mixing the AG1 with water.

Did you know that Athletic Greens contains 75 high-quality ingredients made from real food? This effectively satisfies your nutritional needs because it contains vitamins and minerals. Especially when I’m on holiday, I always have the problem of eating delicious food, but not so healthy. Perhaps you know this too? The AG1 from Athletic Greens can provide a remedy here.

Especially in stressful life situations, the AG1 can keep your diet at a top level. And it doesn’t even take long, one shake of AG1 a day and your values are covered.


Why our diet is so important

Studies have often shown that nutrition has a strong influence on our psyche and well-being. If you want to lead a healthy life, you should definitely pay attention to your diet. Otherwise, this can have a major impact on your life, especially in the long term. Depression alone is not only due to the psyche, but can also be favoured by an incorrect diet.

The AG1 from Athletic Greens therefore has a major impact on my nutrient supply.